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¥Diagnostic Category: lint/nursery/useConsistentCurlyBraces


¥Since: v1.8.2



此规则强制在 JSX 属性和 JSX 子项内一致使用大括号。

¥This rule enforces consistent use of curly braces inside JSX attributes and JSX children.

对于不需要 JSX 表达式的情况,请参考 React 文档有关 JSX 陷阱的此页面

¥For situations where JSX expressions are unnecessary, please refer to the React doc and this page about JSX gotchas.

此规则将检查并警告 JSX props 和子项中不必要的大括号。

¥This rule will check for and warn about unnecessary curly braces in both JSX props and children.



<Foo>{'Hello world'}</Foo>
code-block.jsx:1:6 lint/nursery/useConsistentCurlyBraces  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Should not have curly braces around expression.

> 1 │ <Foo>{‘Hello world’}</Foo>
2 │

JSX child does not need to be wrapped in curly braces.

Unsafe fix: Remove curly braces around the expression.

1 │ <Foo>{Hello·world}</Foo>
-- --
<Foo foo={'bar'} />
code-block.jsx:1:10 lint/nursery/useConsistentCurlyBraces  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Should not have curly braces around expression.

> 1 │ <Foo foo={‘bar’} />
2 │

JSX attribute value does not need to be wrapped in curly braces.

Unsafe fix: Remove curly braces around the expression.

1 │ <Foo·foo={‘bar’}·/>
- -
<Foo foo=<Bar /> />
code-block.jsx:1:10 lint/nursery/useConsistentCurlyBraces  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Should have curly braces around expression.

> 1 │ <Foo foo=<Bar /> />
2 │

JSX attribute value should be wrapped in curly braces. This will make the JSX attribute value more readable.

Unsafe fix: Add curly braces around the expression.

1 │ <Foo·foo={<Bar·/>}·/>
+ +


<Foo>Hello world</Foo>
<Foo foo="bar" />
<Foo foo={5} />
<Foo foo={<Bar />} />

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