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Biome 允许使用 自然排序 对导入语句进行排序。

¥Biome allows sorting import statements using natural ordering.


¥This feature is enabled by default but can be opted-out via configuration:

"organizeImports": {
"enabled": false

¥How imports are sorted

导入语句按 “distance” 排序。来自用户的 “farther” 模块放在顶部,给用户的模块 “closer” 放在底部:

¥Import statements are sorted by “distance”. Modules that are “farther” from the user are put on the top, modules “closer” to the user are put on the bottom:

  1. 通过 bun: 协议导入的模块。这适用于编写由 Bun 运行的代码时;

    ¥modules imported via bun: protocol. This is applicable when writing code run by Bun;

  2. 使用 node: 协议和常见 Node 内置函数(如 assert)明确导入的内置 Node.js 模块;

    ¥built-in Node.js modules that are explicitly imported using the node: protocol and common Node built-ins such as assert;

  3. 通过 npm: 协议导入的模块。这适用于编写由 Deno 运行的代码时;

    ¥modules imported via npm: protocol. This is applicable when writing code run by Deno;

  4. 包含协议 : 的模块。这些通常被视为 “虚拟模块”,由你的工作环境注入的模块,例如 vite

    ¥modules that contain the protocol :. These are usually considered “virtual modules”, modules that are injected by your working environment, e.g. vite;

  5. 通过 URL 导入的模块;

    ¥modules imported via URL;

  6. 从库导入的模块;

    ¥modules imported from libraries;

  7. 通过绝对导入导入的模块;

    ¥modules imported via absolute imports;

  8. 从以 # 为前缀的名称导入的模块。这适用于使用 Node 的子路径导入 时;

    ¥modules imported from a name prefixed by #. This is applicable when using Node’s subpath imports;

  9. 通过相对导入导入的模块;

    ¥modules imported via relative imports;

  10. 无法通过先前标准识别的模块;

    ¥modules that couldn’t be identified by the previous criteria;


¥For example, given the following code:

import uncle from "../uncle";
import sibling from "./sibling";
import express from "npm:express";
import imageUrl from "url:./image.png";
import { sortBy } from "virtual:utils";
import assert from "node:assert";
import aunt from "../aunt";
import { VERSION } from "";
import { mock, test } from "node:test";
import { expect } from "bun:test";
import { internal } from "#internal";
import { secret } from "/absolute/path";
import React from "react";


¥They will be sorted like this:

import { expect } from "bun:test";
import assert from "node:assert";
import { mock, test } from "node:test";
import express from "npm:express";
import { sortBy } from "virtual:utils";
import { VERSION } from "";
import React from "react";
import { secret } from "/absolute/path";
import { internal } from "#internal";
import aunt from "../aunt";
import uncle from "../uncle";
import sibling from "./sibling";
import imageUrl from "url:./image.png";

你可以通过两种方式应用排序:通过 CLIVSCode 扩展

¥You can apply the sorting in two ways: via CLI or VSCode extension.

¥Grouped imports

以特定顺序使用导入语句是很普遍的,主要是当你在前端项目上工作并导入 CSS 文件时:

¥It’s widespread to have import statements in a certain order, primarily when you work on a frontend project, and you import CSS files:

import "../styles/reset.css";
import "../styles/layout.css";
import { Grid } from "../components/Grid.jsx";

另一种常见情况是导入 polyfill 或 shim 文件,需要保留在顶部文件:

¥Another common case is import polyfills or shim files, that needs to stay at the top file:

import "../polyfills/array/flatMap";
import { functionThatUsesFlatMap } from "./utils.js";

在这些情况下,Biome 将对所有这三个导入进行排序,并且该顺序可能会破坏你的应用。

¥In these cases, Biome will sort all these three imports, and it might happen that the order will break your application.

为了避免这种情况,请创建导入的 “group”。你可以通过添加新行来分隔组来创建 “group”。

¥To avoid this, create a “group” of imports. You create a “group” by adding a new line to separate the groups.


¥By doing so, Biome will limit the sorting only to the import statements that belong to the same group:

// group 1, only these two files will be sorted
import "../styles/reset.css";
import "../styles/layout.css";
// group 2, only this one is sorted
import { Grid } from "../components/Grid.jsx";
// group 1, the polyfill/shim
import "../polyfills/array/flatMap";
// group 2, the files that require the polyfill/shim
import { functionThatUsesFlatMap } from "./utils.js";

¥Side effect imports

副作用导入 是通常不导入任何名称的导入语句:

¥Side effect imports are import statements that usually don’t import any name:

import "./global.js"


¥Since it is difficult to determine which side effects a module triggers, the import sorter assumes that each side effect import forms its own import group.

例如,以下导入形成 4 个导入组。

¥For example, the following imports form 4 import groups.

import sibling from "./sibling"; // Import group 1
import { internal } from "#internal"; // Import group 1
import "z"; // Import group 2
import "a"; // Import group 3
import React from "react"; // Import group 4
import assert from "node:assert"; // Import group 4


¥Each group is independently sorted as follows:

import { internal } from "#internal"; // Import group 1
import sibling from "./sibling"; // Import group 1
import "z"; // Import group 2
import "a"; // Import group 3
import assert from "node:assert"; // Import group 4
import React from "react"; // Import group 4

¥Import sorting via CLI

使用命令 check,带选项 --write

¥Using the command check, with the option --write.

Terminal window
biome check --write ./path/to/src

通过 VSCode 扩展导入排序

Section titled 通过 VSCode 扩展导入排序

¥Import sorting via VSCode extension

Biome VS Code 扩展支持通过 “组织导入” 代码操作进行导入排序。默认情况下,规则要求文件名为 AltO 或与文件中 Ctrl 的名称匹配。

¥The Biome VS Code extension supports imports sorting through the “Organize Imports” code action. By default, this action can be run using the +Alt+O keyboard shortcut, or is accessible through the Command Palette (Ctrl/++P) by selecting Organize Imports.


¥You can add the following to your editor configuration if you want the action to run automatically on save instead of calling it manually:

"source.organizeImports.biome": "explicit"