¥Diagnostic Category: lint/style/noYodaExpression
¥Since: v1.8.0
禁止使用 yoda 表达式。
¥Disallow the use of yoda expressions.
Yoda 表达式是一种编程风格,其中给定一个二进制运算,二进制运算的 “static” 部分放在左侧。此规则禁止使用 Yoda 表达式,并强制将二元运算的 “static” 部分放在右侧。
¥A Yoda expression is a programming style where, given a binary operation, the “static” part of the binary operation is placed on the left-hand side. This rule forbids the use of Yoda expressions and enforces the placing of the “static” part of the binary operations on the right-hand side.
允许使用像 0 < value && value < 1
或 value <= 0 || 1 < value
¥Range expressions like 0 < value && value < 1
or value <= 0 || 1 < value
are allowed.
if ("red" == value) {}
code-block.js:1:5 lint/style/noYodaExpression FIXABLE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⚠ Avoid the use of yoda expressions.
> 1 │ if (“red” == value) {}
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2 │
ℹ Yoda expressions can be confusing to some people, invert the expression operands for better readability.
ℹ Safe fix: Flip the operators of the expression.
1 │ - if·(“red”·==·value)·{}
1 │ + if·(value·==·“red”)·{}
2 2 │
if (true === value) {}
code-block.js:1:5 lint/style/noYodaExpression FIXABLE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⚠ Avoid the use of yoda expressions.
> 1 │ if (true === value) {}
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2 │
ℹ Yoda expressions can be confusing to some people, invert the expression operands for better readability.
ℹ Safe fix: Flip the operators of the expression.
1 │ - if·(true·===·value)·{}
1 │ + if·(value·===·true)·{}
2 2 │
if (5 != value) {}
code-block.js:1:5 lint/style/noYodaExpression FIXABLE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⚠ Avoid the use of yoda expressions.
> 1 │ if (5 != value) {}
│ ^^^^^^^^^^
2 │
ℹ Yoda expressions can be confusing to some people, invert the expression operands for better readability.
ℹ Safe fix: Flip the operators of the expression.
1 │ - if·(5·!=·value)·{}
1 │ + if·(value·!=·5)·{}
2 2 │
if (value === "red") {}
if (value === value) {}
if (value != 5) {}
if (0 < value && value < 1) {}
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