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¥Diagnostic Category: lint/style/noVar


¥Since: v1.0.0



禁止使用 var

¥Disallow the use of var

ECMAScript 6 允许程序员使用 let 和 const 关键字创建具有块作用域而不是函数作用域的变量。

¥ECMAScript 6 allows programmers to create variables with block scope instead of function scope using the let and const keywords.


¥Block scope is common in many other programming languages and helps programmers avoid mistakes.



var foo = 1;
code-block.js:1:1 lint/style/noVar  FIXABLE  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Use let or const instead of var.

> 1 │ var foo = 1;
2 │

A variable declared with var is accessible in the whole module. Thus, the variable can be accessed before its initialization and outside the block where it is declared.

See MDN web docs for more details.

Unsafe fix: Use ‘const’ instead.

1 - var·foo·=·1;
1+ const·foo·=·1;
2 2


const foo = 1;
let bar = 1;

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