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¥Diagnostic Category: lint/style/useFilenamingConvention

自从:v1.5.0 来源:

¥Since: v1.5.0 Sources:


¥Enforce naming conventions for JavaScript and TypeScript filenames.

强制 命名约定 有助于保持代码库的一致性。

¥Enforcing naming conventions helps to keep the codebase consistent.

文件名由两部分组成:名称和一组连续扩展。例如,my-filename.test.js 的名称为 my-filename,并且有两个连续的扩展名:.test.js

¥A filename consists of two parts: a name and a set of consecutive extension. For instance, my-filename.test.js has my-filename as name, and two consecutive extensions: .test and .js.

文件名可以以点或加号开头,前缀和后缀为 _ 下划线。例如,.filename.js+filename.js__filename__.js,甚至 .__filename__.js

¥The filename can start with a dot or a plus sign, be prefixed and suffixed by underscores _. For example, .filename.js, +filename.js, __filename__.js, or even .__filename__.js.

SveltekitVike 使用在文件名前加加号的惯例。

¥The convention of prefixing a filename with a plus sign is used by Sveltekit and Vike.

此外,规则支持 Next.jsSolidStartNuxtAstro 的动态路由语法。例如 [...slug].js[[...slug]].js 是有效的文件名。

¥Also, the rule supports dynamic route syntaxes of Next.js, SolidStart, Nuxt, and Astro. For example [...slug].js and [[...slug]].js are valid filenames.

默认情况下,规则确保文件名为 camelCasekebab-casesnake_case 或等于文件中一个导出的名称。

¥By default, the rule ensures that the filename is either in camelCase, kebab-case, snake_case, or equal to the name of one export in the file.

¥Ignoring some files

有时你想完全忽略某些文件。Biome 忽略注释不能使用,因为该规则适用于文件名而不是文件内容。要忽略文件,你可以使用 overrides。如果你想忽略 test 目录中的所有文件,则可以仅针对这些文件禁用规则:

¥Sometimes you want to completely ignore some files. Biome ignore comments cannot be used because the rule applies on filenames not file contents. To ignore files, you can use overrides. If you want to ignore all files in the test directory, then you can disable the rule for those files only:

"overrides": [
"include": ["test/**/*"],
"linter": {
"rules": {
"style": {
"useFilenamingConvention": "off"



¥The rule provides several options that are detailed in the following subsections.

"//": "...",
"options": {
"strictCase": false,
"requireAscii": true,
"filenameCases": ["camelCase", "export"]

当此选项设置为 true 时,它禁止在 camelCasePascalCase 中使用连续的大写字符。例如,当选项设置为 true 时,agentID 将抛出错误。此名称应重命名为 agentId

¥When this option is set to true, it forbids consecutive uppercase characters in camelCase and PascalCase. For instance, when the option is set to true, agentID will throw an error. This name should be renamed to agentId.

当选项设置为 false 时,允许连续的大写字符。agentID 非常有效。

¥When the option is set to false, consecutive uppercase characters are allowed. agentID is so valid.


¥Default: true

当此选项设置为 true 时,它禁止包含非 ASCII 字符的名称。例如,当选项设置为 true 时,café안녕하세요 将抛出错误。

¥When this option is set to true, it forbids names that include non-ASCII characters. For instance, when the option is set to true, café or 안녕하세요 will throw an error.

当选项设置为 false 时,名称可能包含非 ASCII 字符。café안녕하세요 非常有效。

¥When the option is set to false, a name may include non-ASCII characters. café and 안녕하세요 are so valid.


¥Default: false

此选项将在 Biome 2.0 中默认启用。

¥This option will be turned on by default in Biome 2.0.

默认情况下,规则强制文件名为 camelCasekebab-casesnake_case 或等于文件中一个导出的名称。

¥By default, the rule enforces that the filename is either in camelCase, kebab-case, snake_case, or equal to the name of one export in the file.

你可以通过设置 filenameCases 选项来强制执行更严格的约定。filenameCases 接受以下情况中的一组情况:camelCasekebab-casePascalCasesnake_caseexport

¥You can enforce a stricter convention by setting filenameCases option. filenameCases accepts an array of cases among the following cases: camelCase, kebab-case, PascalCase, snake_case, and export.

¥Related links