¥Diagnostic Category: lint/correctness/noUndeclaredDependencies
禁止使用未在 package.json
¥Since: v1.6.0
Disallow the use of dependencies that aren’t specified in the package.json
间接依赖将触发规则,因为它们未在 package.json
中声明。这意味着如果包 @org/foo
依赖于 lodash
,然后你在项目中的某个地方使用 import "lodash"
¥Indirect dependencies will trigger the rule because they aren’t declared in the package.json
. This means that if package @org/foo
has a dependency on lodash
, and then you use
import "lodash"
somewhere in your project, the rule will trigger a diagnostic for this import.
该规则忽略使用协议(如 node:
¥The rule ignores imports using a protocol such as node:
, bun:
, jsr:
, https:
要确保 Visual Studio Code 在自动导入变量时使用相对导入,你可以将 javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier
and typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier
设置为 relative
¥To ensure that Visual Studio Code uses relative imports when it automatically imports a variable,
you may set javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier
and typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier
to relative
import "vite";
import { A } from "./local.js";
import assert from "node:assert";
¥Related links